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We are a member of the Attachment Research Community (ARC) and are an ELSA Trained School. 


Emotional Literacy Support Assistant 

 What is ELSA?   


ELSA is a therapeutic initiative developed and supported by educational psychologists. It recognises that children learn better and are overall happier in school if their emotional needs are also being addressed. 


Miss S Poole is our qualified Emotional Literacy Support Assistant at Moorpark Junior School. She has been trained by Educational Psychologists to plan and deliver specialised programmes that support pupils who may be experiencing emotional needs. 


These weekly sessions are delivered on an individual basis, but sometimes can be delivered through group sessions. ELSA sessions take place in our specialised ELSA room, which provides the children with a calm and safe space. 


What Can ELSA Help With?

  • Recognising and understanding emotions
  • Building self-esteem
  • Social and friendship skills
  • Anger and behaviour management
  • Loss and bereavement
  • Relaxation techniques
  • Transitions and change


Other Information

If you have any questions regarding ELSA, or feel that your child would benefit from these sessions, then please contact the school. 


Miss S Poole was trained by Summit Psychology. To find out more information about Summit Psychology and ELSA, please use the link below:


The Attachment Research Community (ARC)

As members of The Attachment Research Community, we support everyone’s needs by:

– Promote inclusion and preventing exclusion

– Developing effective strategies to support children and adults 

-Providing high quality training for everyone in our setting

-Sharing our learning with the ARC network

-Working safely and with supervision. 

 ARC Certificate of membership. 

Contact Information:-

Park Road,

T:- 01782 234440

E:- moorpark@moorparkjunior.co.uk

Part of The New Guild Trust  – Office address is the same as above (Moorpark Junior)

Chair of governors:- Mr Jon Lovatt and Mr Hugh Irvine (Vice Chair).  They can be contacted by emailing :- moorpark@moorparkjunior.co.uk

If you have any queries relating to Special Educational Needs (SEN), you can contact Mrs Mills on 01782 234440 or email the SENCo directly via send@moorparkjunior.co.uk

If you would like any copies of the information on the website, please contact the school office who can provide this to you free of charge.

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© Moorpark Junior School