Parent Support

Parent Support

Up-to-date Brexit information can be found by clicking on the link to the right.

If the withdrawal agreement is not signed by the UK and the EU, the UK could still leave with no deal on 31st October 2019.

Find out what you, your family, or your business should do fi the UK leaves the EU with no deal.

Looking for work?

You can visit the local Job Centre by clicking on the button. They can support you in looking for a job role to suit your needs.

How to support your child’s learning.

There are lots of ways that you can help your child at home: do make sure, for example, that you read frequently with your child, and support them with the current learning that’s taking place in school.  Below, you can find a description of National Curriculum levels and some practical ideas to help you support your child.

All children work at different levels in different subjects depending on their strengths. They also work at different rates: boys, for example, tend to increase their rate of progress in Key Stage 2.

When we refer to expectations, it’s important to remember this. At Moorpark Junior School, our teaching is based around the individual child: whilst we consider what the broad national ‘average’ would be, we also very closely consider personal targets and rates of progress. For example, a very able child is challenged to carry out work in a different way or at a different level. This way, all our pupils are expected to make good progress and achieve their potential.

When the National Curriculum was created, national expectations were also set in place. A child is assessed to be working at one of the following he following levels:

  • WTS – this means a child is working towards the age related expected standard.
  • ARE – this means a child is working at the age related expected standard.
  • GDS – this means that a child is working at greater depth which is above the age related expected standard.

When deciding on a pupil’s level of attainment, teachers judge a pupil’s performance against different ‘level descriptions’. Some end-of-year tests in English and Maths may also be used. Tests at the end of Key Stage 2 (Year 6) are called SATs – these remain statutory requirements.

The Government has established national targets for the proportion of 11-year-olds achieving ARE and GDS in English and maths at the end of Key Stage 2. Schools are required to set targets for the proportions of their pupils reaching these targets.