General Info

Headteacher:- Mrs K Peters

Head of School:- Mrs L Wright

School Business Manager - Mrs E Searl

SENCo - Mrs S Mills


Our school follows the Local Authority Admission arrangements policy.

Online admissions are now the preferred method of making a preference for schools at the normal age of entry.

You can collect an application request form from our school office if this is more convenient for you.

A copy of our policies, including the admissions policy is under the ‘About Us’ section of our website or click the following link- Policies. 

Please click the link below which will take you direct to Stoke on Trent admissions page

Admission Arrangements 2024 -2025

Mission Statement

The New Guild Trust believes in the sum of its parts to be greater than its equal through trust, collaboration and high expectations to ensure the best education and employment for all children and adults alike.

Mrs Karen Peters